Startup El Dorado County

engagED voices feature key initiatives in the region to educate community members about the developments and critical work underway in our region. For this month’s feature, we talked with El Dorado County’s Deputy Director, Economic Development and Administration, Kyle Zimbelman, about the Startup El Dorado County, an accelerator and incubator support program.
Please provide a high-level overview of the organization.
Policy J-9 aims to support El Dorado County startups and entrepreneurs by providing funding for technical assistance to help them join regional or local accelerator/incubator programs. The focus is on businesses that have a significant economic impact, such as creating jobs, offering high wages, or making large investments, with priority given to existing businesses looking to expand in the county.
The Planning and Building Department, Economic Development Division, and The Growth Factory have worked together to select eligible candidates. After a call for applications, 25 startups applied for funding. These were evaluated based on their alignment with Policy J-9 goals, innovation, and business potential. Twelve were invited for further review, including interviews and submission of additional materials like financials and development updates.
Following a detailed assessment by industry experts, a shortlist was created, and the selected companies are now being presented for funding. These companies are expected to benefit El Dorado County by progressing in product development, customer validation, or securing investments.
Funding early-stage companies involves risks, but with proper support, these businesses have a strong chance of success. Awardees must submit periodic progress reports to ensure transparency and accountability.
The first round saw a concentration of awardees from El Dorado Hills. For future rounds, outreach will be expanded to other regions within the county, including the Tahoe Basin, to ensure a more balanced distribution of funds and promote a business-friendly environment.
How does your organization promote partnership and inclusion within the Greater Sacramento region?
The County’s accelerator and incubator support program promotes partnership and inclusion with the Greater Sacramento region by being open to all entrepreneurs within El Dorado County. In the initial round, we collaborated extensively with the Growth Factory to develop the program and reporting metrics. The Growth Factory’s reach for support and investment spans across the entire Greater Sacramento region, providing access that the County didn’t have before. As we further develop the program, our goal is to collaborate with additional business support accelerators and incubators to maximize opportunities for business support.
What is your long-term vision for this organization? How do you imagine it will evolve over time?
Our long-term vision for the program is to continuously expand to the point where El Dorado County is recognized throughout the region as a great place to launch a startup. The program envisions thriving hubs spread strategically throughout the County and a staff infrastructure in place to support these startups. The County has an in-house liaison to help support business owners during the permitting process and will continue to work with regional partners on site selection assistance. And the Economic Development Division is working diligently on a business retention and expansion program that will complement the startup program by providing economic wrap-around services for the lifecycle of a business.
Early in Fall 2024, the County will commence work on an economic development strategic plan with key stakeholders and members of the community. To that end, the Board of Supervisors completed formation of the Strategic Economic Enhancement Development Committee (SEED), which will help guide that formation. Key components of that effort will include the business startup program and business retention and expansion programs.
Is there anything you’d like the community to know about this project, or any ways they can get involved or support its success?
We encourage community members to get involved by volunteering as mentors, participating in our events, and spreading the word about our program. Local businesses and organizations can also support the program by partnering with us on future workshops, providing sponsorship, or offering other types of services, such as meeting space. By working together, we can create a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem that benefits everyone across El Dorado County and the Greater Sacramento region. For more details on how to get involved or to offer support, please visit our website or contact the Economic Development Division directly.
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